
A warm welcome to The Rotary Club of St Marylebone.

President: Li Ping Bartlett

We usually meet on the second Monday each month at 12.00 for 12.30. Please note there are no meetings in August. Our formal meeting finishes at about 1.15. Please also the Events Calendar for meetings taking place elsewhere.

We currently meet at The Churchill Hotel 30 Portman Square, London W1H 7BH

Presidential Theme 2023-24

All members aim to achieve Rotary's motto of "Service before Self".

We are non-political and non-sectarian and welcome members of all religious faiths and none.

The Club's prime target for the year will be to increase its membership to become more active in the local Marylebone community that will allow us to raise more funds more easily for our projects.


Our Facebook Page is https://www.facebook.com/RotaryStMarylebone

All Rotarians and their partners are most welcome to visit the Club and enjoy our fellowship.

Each week the programme varies and often includes speakers on subjects of general interest and/or Rotary affairs.

This website includes:

    • A brief introduction to our club with a link some new pictures.
    • Excerpts of articles found in our Weekly Club Bulletins, grouped into a monthly on-line newsletter.
      • In addition, there is a list of speakers attending our forthcoming luncheons, as well as other Rotary activities.
    • Contact details.
    • Some links to other sites that may be of interest to you.
    • Club News